Other uses of butcher paper

Serve as temporary steamed cloth: If you do not have steamed cloth at home, the butcher paper can be used to line the bottom of the steamer, because the butcher paper is breathable, steamed buns will not become soggy and sticky due to vapour.

Fresh-keeping vegetables and fruits: Many people wrap vegetables in newspaper to prevent the loss of umami flavor, but newspaper ink is more likely to stain them. Wrapping vegetables and fruits in butcher paper will also keep them fresh and won't stain them with ink like newspaper.

Retain freshness: for Marine fish, washing with water will cause the loss of the umami due to the difference in osmotic pressure. Use butcher paper to help lock in the smell of Marine fish.

Soften stubborn grime: If there is any hard-to-remove grime from dripping soup or food scraps in the fridge, dampen some butcher paper and apply it to the grime. wait for the grime to soften before removing it easily.

To remove grease from hot soup: Wrap ice cubes in butcher paper and slide quickly over the surface of the hot soup. the butcher paper will absorb the grease as it freezes, easily remove the oil slick.

Remove scorched dirt: If you accidentally burn a pot, use butcher paper to remove the scorched dirt while the pot is still warm.

Blood adsorbed on meat: blood will be released during the thawing process of meat, soaked in blood for a long time, meat will deteriorate the taste. Therefore, before meat is frozen, is wrapped in butcher paper and then wrapped with a layer of plastic wrap or a plastic bag. the blood can be absorbed when the meat is defrosted.

Remove oil dirt from the range hood: the oil dirt in the oil collection box of the range hood is difficult to clean. The butcher paper can be folded into small pieces and stuffed into the oil collection box. If you replace it regularly, you dont need to clean the oil collection box often.

To clean the rubber strips on the refrigerator door: Wrap a fruit fork in butcher paper. Use the tips of the fork to penetrate into the crevices of the rubber strips. It can easily remove dirt without scratching the rubber strips.


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